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Becoming The Complete Champion: One Motivational Minute  At a Time  Cover Image
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Becoming The Complete Champion: One Motivational Minute At a Time

Michael J. Herman

May 2003 978-0-9670208-2-2


Becoming The Complete Champion: One Motivational Minute At a Time, originally published in 2003 has been called “A work of Motivational and Inspirational Genius” by Gary Straus of USA Today.

“Transformative and change-making” Bonnie Harris, LA Times, and “Gets you going like a stick of dynamite.” Liberty Zabala Fox5 San Diego

Becoming The Complete Champion will not only ignite the smoldering cinders deep within you into raging infernos by unleashing the champion you are, but by operating on the cognitive, the visceral, and the subconscious mind all at the same time, it’s quite likely you will not be able to put it down.

Daily essays, reinforced by visual cues, and hi-lighted with engaging and subliminal inspirational quotes makes this a mechanism for manifesting greatness.

Page after page of life changing an uplifting stories, each illustrated by active original images, and hi-lighted by quotes that resonate the message of the two, you will be reaching higher and achieving goals before you finish a chapter.

Used for decades as training and recruiting tools for the US Military, the 187 thrill-packed pages of Becoming The Complete Champion will get you going.

*Published in more than 20 languages and sold the world over, Becoming The complete Champion stands alone in its ability to inspire and motivate.

What you get  from reading Becoming the complete Champion is deep and lasting transformation and state change. By tapping multiple aspects of the cognitive brain this material, when consumed on a regular basis, produces results.


You will notice as you read Becoming The Complete Champion that every

photo and set of quotes is followed by what is called a Motivational Minute. The

Motivational Minute was created in August 1997 to provide short, sometimes pithy,

sometimes significant, sometimes emotionally wrenching messages that cause readers to

change their attitudes, and act in ways that manifest results.

 At first, the Motivational Minute column was read only by friends and family.

Then as the weeks grew into months, clients began to receive it as a means for marketing

my message of Inspiration and Success. Eventually, more than 600,000 daily readers

tuned in each and every day to read content that created profound and lasting results in

their lives and in their organizations.


In the past six-years, we have found no one else, and nowhere else that delivers

hard-hitting, life-changing, powerful tools for your success every single day. That's what

The Motivational Minute is. Because your life changes everyday, so does                                                                           The Motivational Minute.


With more than 2000 editions published, The Motivational Minute is the

world's only daily publication for Motivation, Leadership, Confidence, and Success.

More than one hundred of the world's most powerful organizations, like Boeing, Mattel,

Raytheon, McDonald's, Hilton Hotels, Marriott, and the US Air Force utilize this medium

to gain, or to maintain their edge in the marketplace.


It takes a great deal of what Anthony Robins calls “Personal Power” to manifest

greatness in a world that encourages lackluster performance. But if you can find a

single technique to move you closer to your goals, then the world and all its treasures,

life and all its magnificence, and love with all its glory and passion will be yours. As

long as you take the necessary steps.


Have you got a minute to be great? The Motivational Minute was designed to

instill in you the hard core skills you will need to build your confidence, to make positive

changes in your life, and to deliver results. Be amazing, manifest your true destiny,

create miracles where before there were none. Follow the advice presented in this book

and live your life with command and confidence!


But whatever you decide to do, whether it be to read this book to fill a day of

boredom, to ignite the fire in your belly, or to add fuel to the fire already burning there,

I wish you validation in all that you do. I wish you clarity in your thinking, and I wish

you love so that your heart may never be empty.


I believe you’ll find that by using the techniques presented in this book,

through the daily reinforcement of a positive attitude, together with the development of

certain success skills and leadership behaviors, positive results will manifest themselves

in you with ease and alacrity. You will soon be on the road to becoming                                                                             The Complete Champion!


~ Michael J. Herman


 ·       “Perhaps one of the best written resources I’ve found for ongoingly instilling motivation in my teams from C-Suite to Assembly Line worker. The dynamic of visuals quotes and essays with relevant photos are a masterful way to instill the value of the book.”

Philip Condit, CEO The Boeing Co.

·       “I absolutely loved every story and I couldn’t stop turning the page to see what was next. Even though I read Herman’s column, I loved the book!”

Gary Strauss USA Today

·       I see a lot of material come though the channels of Marketing, Sales, and Management and Becoming The Complete Champion is one of the best reads I’ve seen in years. I think it can have a positive impact on anyone who reads it.”

Steve Bollenbach, CEO & Chairman Hilton Hotels Corp.