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102 Mistakes Writers and Artists Make & How to Avoid Them

102 Mistakes Writers & Artists Make and How to Avoid Them

In this short and powerful read you’ll be exposed to insights that were acquired through decades as a self-starting, self-motivated, visionary entrepreneur.

Visionary because when I started out, I had no mentors, no trail to follow, and no limits to the errors and blunders available to me. What I had though, was an insatiable thirst for owning my own business and making it a success.

Whether you’re a Writer, an artist, or anything in the space of making money work, this concise manual will engage your instincts to go into overdrive. Not 50, not 100, not even 101 insights, but here are 102 strategies that can quite literally mean everything to you.

As a result, the mistakes I endured created in me an understanding of Free Enterprise, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Mastery.

I have found the trail that you as a beginning or young business owner/operator can follow to ensure rapid and repeatable success.

Read 102 Mistakes Writer& Artists Make and How to Avoid Them and see what’s possible by skirting the foibles many others are bound to face.

This book is written in short, pithy, and easily absorbed and implementable language. This is only the beginning of a long process that can take you the rest of your life or if you read the right material, a few short days to manifest exactly what you want in life.

102 Mistakes Writers & Artists Make & How To Avoid Them

Michael J. Herman

Copyright 2011-2013 Michael J. Herman and The Motivational Minute Publishing Company

Stop making errors that cost you money. Use these strategies to

build habits that will make you rich.

1. Writers don’t think like business people. They just want to write.

Solution: Think like an entrepreneur. How can I make lots of money?

2. Writers don’t think long-term. As a result, they have trouble

completing their projects and lose focus quickly before they 

are complete.

Solution: Think BIG PICTURE! Look down the road to the end of the

project. What will it absolutely take for me to achieve my goal?

Marketing Guru Alex Mandossian: “What absolutely has to take place

for the outcome to occur?

3. Writers write then think about selling what they created.

Solution: When crafting your writing, be creating a process and a

marketing mechanism (strategy) for your finished work.

4. Writers want someone else to do the selling for them.

Solution: Think like a salesman. How can I most effectively connect

with someone who will hire me or buy my work?

5. Many writers are shy and introverted. They fear rejection.

Solution: Be brazen, shameless, unabashed, and bold in promoting

yourself as not only a creative entity, but also as a solution to other

peoples’ problems. Eat rejection like candy.

6. Writers don’t like to have to sell their work.

Solution: GET OVER IT! If you’re not willing to sell yourself, be

satisfied with never selling anything.

7. Writers like to complain.

Solution: STOP COMPLAINING! Solution 2: Do something about it.

Gerald E. Jackson Business Consultant and Philosopher: “Don’t

complain, don’t explain.”

8. Writers get frustrated and locked into a cycle of inactivity.

Solution: Change your pattern. If you get stuck, unstick yourself.

Do something else, change a habit, change an activity, change a

mindset, change a routine, change your mind, or change your

circumstance. Change!

Just do something to keep your head clear for creativity and open to

making money.

9. Writers must never say , “I can’t!” or “I won’t.”

Solution: Say, “But how can I ___?” Then answer your own question.

10. Writers wait for their big-break.

Solution: Don’t wait for your big break. Make it happen. Be ready for

opportunities. Be expecting great things to happen. Be ready and get ready. Be prepared when opportunity arrives.

11. Writers think they’re not good enough.

Solution: Get good. Then get great. Then get rich.

“In a few simple steps, Herman delivers to a hungry audience of an eager business reader the essential mindset to achieve success in business.”

Los Angeles Business Journal


“Find your footing in an uncertain arena by perusing 102 Mistakes Writers & Artists Make and How to Avoid Them. It’s a fast and easy read. With some humor to make it fun.”

Irwin Zucker, Book Publicists of Southern California.